
CSG Justice Center Launches National Reentry Resource Center

juvenile-justice-system-reentry-resource-center-logoOn October 1, 2009,the Council of State Governments (CSG) Justice Center launched the National Reentry Resource Center—an unprecedented initiative to advance the safe and successful return of individuals from correctional facilities to their communities.
What is the CSG Justice Center?

The CSG Justice Center is a national nonprofit organization that serves policymakers at the local, state, and federal levels from all branches of government. It provides practical, nonpartisan advice and consensus-driven strategies--informed by available evidence--to increase public safety and strengthen communities.
The National Reentry Resource Center will continue the CSG Justice Center's commitment to collaboration and will draw on the experience and expertise of its many valued partner organizations, as well as its own work in the field. Among CSG's past contributions is the 2005 landmark report of its Reentry Policy Council—the result of work by 100 of the most respected workforce, health, housing, public safety, family, community, and victim experts in the country.

Roundup: Reclaiming Futures in Action; California Mulls Legalizing (and Taxing) Marijuana; and More

juvenile-justice-reform-adolescent-substance-abuse-treatment-news-TVJuvenile Justice Reform Stories

Teens in Trouble Can Now Txt 4 Help

runaway-teens-txt-4-help-phonecardKids on the run or in crisis now have another way to keep themselves safe: their cell phones. 
Beginning October 15th, a nationwide system, "Txt 4 Help," has been set up by National Safe Place so that teens on the run or in crisis can use text messages to find a safe place to go, or get connected with a national hotline.
America's Promise Alliance has the details: "Youth in crisis can text the word SAFE and their current location to the number 69866, and they will receive an address for the closest Safe Place site and contact number for the local youth shelter."
(Hat tip to Portland Prevention.)

Free Webinar: Anti-Oppressive Practice Basics

What is "Anti-Oppressive Practice"?

It's an emerging framework to advance attention to diversity and social justice in the way community systems and services operate.
In this free webinar, Dr. Laura Nissen and Dr. Ann Curry-Stevens will explain the evolution of cultural competence frameworks and their impact on the fields of substance abuse treatment, justice and others.
The presenters will identify how concepts of oppression, privilege and disparities impact the way in which services are constructed and successes are measured. And finally, the presenters will identify selected tools to increase anti-oppressive practice specific to the Reclaiming Futures initiative.

Nearly $3.7 Million in Federal Funds Awarded to Help New Reclaiming Futures Sites Turn Teen Lives Around

New federal funding has been awarded to expand the Reclaiming Futures model into three more juvenile drug courts across the country over the next four years.
The nearly $3.7 million federal investment was announced by The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF). RWJF is providing approximately $1 million in additional technical assistance to implement the Reclaiming Futures model.

Juvenile Justice Reform: Most Minor Delinquents Diverted from the Juvenile Justice System Avoid Reoffending

[Full disclosure: I used to work for Multnomah County’s Department of Community Justice (DCJ), where the study Jason writes about below was done. I'd be very interested in posting about data and studies done on youth in the juvenile justice system in other jurisdictions. --Ed.]

juvenile-justice-reform-recidivism-data-informal-slideDiverting Youth with Low-Level Offenses Reduced Crime

New research out of Multnomah County’s Department of Community Justice (DCJ) shows that most young people who are kept out of the formal juvenile justice system do not reoffend. Among 271 young people, nearly eight out of ten who received no formal supervision did not reoffend within a year.
Of this group, two years out, 75 percent had not been referred by police or the district attorney for a criminal offense. When they did reoffend, it was for less serious offenses most of the time.  

Roundup: Possible Nominee for OJJDP Chief; Chicago's Unusual Anti-Violence Plan; Heritage Foundation Study Challenges Juvenile LWOP Stats

juvenile-justice-adolescent-substance-abuse-treatment-news-TVJuvenile Justice Reform and Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment News

Juvenile Justice Reform: Fixing the Information Mismatch

[This topic of this column is so critical to reform of the juvenile justice system, we've reprinted it in its entirety from the Criminal Justice blog of with their kind permission. It originally appeared under the title, "Fixing the Information Mismatch in Juvenile Justice." --Ed.]
In 2007. I met a soft-spoken young man whom we will call “Ivan.” Almost everyday, he wore a large sweatshirt with cats and dogs on it. When I asked him if he liked animals, his face lit up and he told me that his dream was to become a veterinarian. He really loved taking care of animals, he said, and he was especially good with dogs. 
I knew Ivan because he was in the Bronx Family Court on a delinquency proceeding for allegedly throwing water on his teacher’s laptop at school. Ivan said it was an accident, although his teacher didn’t think so.
While awaiting a finding in his case, Ivan was successfully attending Saturday community service events, he was going to his counseling appointments, and he was present at school when his probation officer checked on him. Unfortunately, Ivan’s mom didn’t quite have her act together, so Ivan would find himself breaking up fights between her and her boyfriend, or taking care of her when she was too high to do it herself. Eventually, the court recognized that Ivan’s mom was not in a position to mother him as required by law. Without other family members or friends to take him in, Ivan was put into a juvenile jail to await the finding in his case.

GAIN Short Screener IDs Needs of Adolescents in Washington, No Matter Which Door They Come In

adolescent-substance-abuse-treatment-screening-WA-state-data-GAIN-graphIn January 2007, the state of Washington mandated use of a 15-item, past-year version of the GAIN Short Screener (GAIN-SS) for all adolescents and adults seen by the Department of Social and Health Services in the state’s chemical dependency, mental health, child-welfare and justice programs.
Lucenko and colleagues1 recently used the data gathered through these sources to compile a report to the Washington legislature on the prevalence of co-occurring disorders in people presenting to these services. 
Figure 1 summarizes her results for adolescents. Consistent with prior research, the report shows that implementation of a simple screener identified youth with mental health, substance use or both in each setting.

88 Seconds with Reclaiming Futures in 2014

Ever wonder what juvenile justice reform and adolescent substance abuse treatment will look like in 2014?
We do.
That's why a group of Reclaiming Futures' leaders and allies took time out a couple of weeks ago to ponder how things would look in the juvenile justice system, the adolescent treatment system, within Reclaiming Futures, and in the world at large five years from now (follow the link for more info).  Here's a fun, 88-second video recapping our meeting:

Reclaiming Futures in 2014

Reclaiming-Futures-2014-scenario-planning-meeting-dotsWhat Will Reclaiming Futures Look Like in 2014?

No one knows, of course, not for certain. But a group of people passionately interested in juvenile justice reform and improving adolescent substance abuse treatment -- many of whom were involved in the creation and implementation of Reclaiming Futures -- met recently in Washington, D.C. to make some educated guesses about what's in store.
They also offered their hopes and opinions about what it should look like in five years.

Roundup: Four Inspiring Programs for Teens in the Justice System, Cocaine Vaccine on Horizon, and Much More

juvenile-justice-adolescent-substance-abuse-news-TVAdolescent Substance Abuse Treatment News

Juvenile Justice-Related News

How the Juvenile Justice System Criminalizes the Poor

juvenile-justice-reform-criminalization-of-the-poor-Justice-Policy-Institute-signHow the Juvenile Justice and Criminal Justice Systems Criminalize the Poor
Check out this brief, eloquent piece from the Spotlight on Poverty and Opportunity site by Tracy Velázquez, Executive Director of the Justice Policy, on the ways that the criminal and juvenile justice systems disproportionately swallow up the poor -- for the same or similar crimes committed by more affluent people.

Adolescent Substance Abuse: GAIN-Related Publications Using Practice-Based Evidence

One of the great advantages of using the Global Appraisal of Individual Needs (GAIN) to assess individuals for substance abuse and mental health issues is the amount of high-quality data it collects that can be used to improve services and tailor treatment -- in this case, for adolescents. 
Before the GAIN, there wasn't a lot of reliable data available about adolescent needs. Now there is. By June 30, 2009 there were over 1,127 state, county, agencies and grantees (including 271 from the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment [CSAT]) using the GAIN.  This includes 271 CSAT grantees that have pooled their data and made it available for secondary analysis by local evaluators, researchers and students to help move the field forward with "practice-based evidence".  Close to 50 different scientists from over three dozen agencies are using the data. 

Juvenile Drug Court in Greene County, MO Graduates its First Youth

Reclaiming-Futures-juvenile-drug-court-team-Greene-County-photoThe recipe necessary to reclaim the lives of youth that have penetrated the juvenile justice system begins in our own kitchens. One part parents, one part community, a dash of judicial intervention (to taste) and we have a life that is once again shining and full of promise. 
Case in point: on September 10, 2009, the Greene County Juvenile Drug Treatment Court (JDTC) -- click on the photo at left for a larger view of our team1 -- successfully graduated one of our youth, due to the engagement of the youth and family, the commitment from the JDTC team, and the overall support from the community in Greene County. This commencement represented a very important milestone for a young man who continually demonstrated a willingness to make positive changes in his life.

It's Time To Change Everything… But Maybe We Can Just Start By Being A Little Hopeful?

adolescent-substance-abuse-addiction-treatment-system-sign-says-ChangeWhen I first entered recovery at age 17, a man in long-term recovery looked me in the eye and told me, "It's simple. There's only one thing you need to change: everything."
I fought, pushed back, and resisted. I mean, I got that I couldn’t drink and drug the way I had before, but come on. Change everything? Really? 

Roundup: Half of all U.S. Kids are Assaulted Each Year; Pitting Pre-Schoolers Against Teens in Budget Fights Is Bad Policy; and More

Use, Abuse, Dependence - Who Decides?

adolescent-substance-abuse-assessment-not-all-science-checkboxI often hear people refer to the distinction between drug "use" and drug "abuse" as if it were an immutable, medical fact. A review of recent history suggests otherwise. Just as the American Psychiatric Association once viewed homosexuality as a mental disorder, the meaning of "substance use disorder" has evolved over time. The definitions we use today are partly a social construction, subject to changing mores, values, and even our political culture.
As readers of this blog certainly know, social service professionals use a variety of screening and assessment instruments to detect drug problems. Many tools still rely on the underlying logic of the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, or DSM.
The DSM is widely endorsed, but few policymakers and other nonclinicians appreciate how much it has evolved. Consider this passage from the DSM 1980 edition:

Four Things You Can Do for Juvenile Justice Reform

There are rumblings throughout the country about racism right now. People are wondering what the implications of racism are, if it still exists, how much it affects and to what extent. These are the kinds of discussions we should be having as a nation. They are long overdue and the results of such discussions would be a welcome change to the silence and the ability of this country to ignore what is plain and evident. Yet it seems they're slow to begin and could go on for decades before we see any real change.
Now there are some in this country that can afford to wait as the discussion begins; on the other hand, those that are most affected by and involved in the juvenile and criminal justice systems do not have the luxury of waiting. We must take action today, at every opportunity in the future, and be prepared to create opportunities on the days when there are none!
We're lucky in that we have the facts that are indisputable to serve as the starting point for this work. Our country has an addiction to incarceration and based on the staggering statistics of that addiction, it's one we can no longer afford. Secondly, the criminal and juvenile justice systems are inundated with the appalling history of racism in the US. The focus of our discussion should be, "What are we going to do about it?"
If we assume we can no longer wait for the leaders in our field and in our communities to spearhead the work, then the answers we seek lie within us. Are you waiting for change to come or are you willing to roll up your sleeves and push for the change? If you were waiting for the right time, I believe we are there.
