What Works for Girls - Factors that Protect Against Delinquency

Partial cover of the Girls Study Group reportIn December, I posted about an overview of the work of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency's (OJJDP) Girls Study Group.
Now, OJJDP has released the first of the Group's detailed reports on best practices with adolescent girls in the justice system.

It's a good place to start to learn how to promote resiliency among girls. Which protective factors make a difference? It depends.
For example, a girl's age and her history of abuse and neglect can mitigate the effects of protective factors like religiosity and the presence of a caring adult in her life. Which means it's all the more important to individualize the care we provide for teen girls. (In fact, it's a good rule of thumb for all youth in the justice system.) 

Updated: January 14 2009