What does “Above the Influence” Look Like in Your Community?

It would be almost impossible to miss the hundreds of “Above the Influence” signs decorating bus stations and lobbies. But why do they matter? They matter because thousands of teens are standing up against the pressures of alcohol, stress, drugs, pop culture, peer pressure and bullying.
Above the Influence is a campaign run by the Office of National Drug Control Policy inspired by real life stories from teens about how they face the influences that shape their decisions. Their mission is to help teens take a stand against negative pressures and influences that impact the way we live. By learning about what influences are around us, we are better equipped to say no to pressures including drugs, pills and alcohol.
What does living above the influence mean to you? Share your experiences and what you’ve observed in your community with us.

Jaclyn Chelf is a Digital and Social Media Intern at Prichard Communications. She is graduating in June, 2013 from the University of Oregon where she had been studying Journalism, Public Relations and Communication studies. She loves warm weather, the outdoors and her dog.

Updated: February 08 2018