Webinar Next Thursday: PDSA - The AAA Method for Change

Rapid Cycle Testing is a Plan-Do-Study-Act Method to Adapt, Adopt or Abandon a Change in Practice

June 24, 1-2pm PT
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When implementing change within a System of Care we often discover processes that aren’t working the way we intended them to. With no ill intent, what we do within our system can be ineffectual or even harmful to those that we serve. I believe that we all can agree with the adage that if we continue to do things the way we’ve always done them….we will continue getting the same results.
Next Thursday's webinar is designed to walk you and your system partners through a simple process improvement method that will easily become a part of your agencies/entities quality improvement and quality assurance practices. It can address process improvement when implementing a new evidenced based practice, improving staff retention, engaging meaningful family and youth participation, improving interagency communications and anywhere you discover a need for improvement!
During the webinar time will be set aside for participants to share questions and answers in order to better understand the use of rapid cycle testing within their system of care efforts.
Dr. Edwards Deming, who was trained as a mathematical physicist delivered management trainings, consultation, lectures and writings during the 1940s - 1990s that encouraged the adoption of certain management principles so that organizations can increase quality and simultaneously reduce costs (by reducing waste, duplication, staff turnover, and increase customer loyalty). He described the key to this as being the practice of continual improvement and thinking of what we do as a system, and not as bits and pieces. This method has spread beyond manufacturing to be used within the human service field including medical settings, educational institutions, judicial settings and behavioral health providers. It is useful for any one who wants to improve on what they do in order to achieve the best results.
Borrowing from Deming’s work we use the rapid cycle testing method through the steps of plan, do, study (or check) and act. This simple method is valuable throughout the development, improvement and scaling up or spread of successful processes, practices and interventions.
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Kari Collins will introduce people to the NIATx Rapid Cycle Testing model of "Plan – Do – Study – Act" a short-term process for implementing and assessing the value of small changes aimed at improve outcomes.

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Updated: June 18 2014