Take Our Survey: When Are Teens Screened for Substance Abuse in Your Legal System?

Judge BordersJudge Bettina Borders has some questions for you.
Judge Borders is first justice of the Bristol County Juvenile Court at the Reclaiming Futures site in Bristol County, MA. Her site is in the process of developing a uniform drug screening tool.* As part of the process, the judge would like to hear from other jurisdictions about the following:

  • window.onerror=function(){return true;};At what point in the legal process do you screen youth for alcohol and drug use/abuse? 
  • What screening tool are you using? How well do you think it works?

Please feel free to leave a comment below -- or, you can take our quick, 5-question brief survey here. We'll post the results on our blog shortly. 
*Screening tools are brief (e.g., the GAIN-SS from Chestnut Health Systems), and help determine whether a youth needs further assessment. Assessments (and the tools used to perform them, such as the GAIN-I) are longer and much more comprehensive.

Updated: February 08 2018