Positive Activities for Youth - A Great Idea

One of the key pieces of the Reclaiming Futures model is to hook teens up with fun things to do with adult role models while they're in treatment and on probation.
But anyone who's tried this knows it's easier said than done. As a result, it can be inspiring to learn what other communities have done. For example, have you tried connecting teens with ... a museum? 
No? Well, a community in England is connecting them with the Atwell-Wilson Motor Museum. The hook? Vintage cars. Teen offenders do a range of things, from checking "tyre" pressure to team-building exercises. It's too early to say how effective the program has been, but the organizers are pleased with the enthusiastic response from the teens.
Maybe you don't have a vintage auto museum near you. Not to worry. Having an activity that appeals to teens matters, yes. But the most important resource for helping teens -- available in every single community nationwide -- is caring adults.

Don't have the resources to connect kids teens with cars? Check out this post for reports about implementing positive youth development in the juvenile justice system.

Updated: February 08 2018