Our Top 10 Stories on Juvenile Justice and Adolescent Substance Abuse - Part 1

reclaiming-futures-turns-1-birthday-cakeThe Reclaiming Futures blog turns one year old today!
To celebrate a great first year of sharing news, conversation, and resources related to juvenile justice reform, adolescent substance abuse, and (of course) Reclaiming Futures, I've pulled together a list of our top 10 most popular stories.
Today, I'll post five of them, in reverse order of popularity:
#10. Six Tips for Engaging Families in Juvenile Justice System Reform and Advocacy - Involving families is always a struggle for juvenile justice systems. So in this post, Grace Bauer, Field Organizer for the Campaign for Youth Justice, tells you how you can get it done. 

#9. Families Gather to Improve Teen Substance Abuse Treatment - Randy Muck of the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT), reported on a national meeting of families members of teens involved in treatment to identify needs and organize for the future.
#8. Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment - Confidentiality & Consent Resources - Two links to help you protect the confidentiality of teens in the justice system when you get them treatment for substance abuse. 
#7. Strength-Based Focus, Positive Youth Development and Rekindling Hope - What does it mean to have a strength-based approach toward kids in the justice system? Can we always assume that professionals working with kids in the justice or treatment systems have hope? Laura Nissen, national project director of Reclaiming Futures, explores these issues in a wide-ranging post.
#6. The Juvenile Justice System on TV: Lake County, Indiana - A juvenile court judge allowed MSNBC's "Lockup" show full access to youth in her court, paving the way for an unusual six-part series on the juvenile justice system. 
Tomorrow, I'll post the next five, including the most popular post of the year. In the mean time, feel free to share your favorites.
What stories from the blog did you bookmark, or pass on to colleagues?  
(Image by Benjamin Chambers.)

Updated: February 08 2018