Maltreatment of Incarcerated Youth Still a Problem, Report Finds; News Roundup

Every week Reclaiming Futures rounds up the latest news on juvenile justice reform, adolescent substance abuse treatment, and teen mental health. 

Maltreatment of Incarcerated Youth Still a Problem, Report Finds (Philanthropy News Digest)
A report from the Annie E. Casey Foundation finds that, despite increased attention to the detrimental conditions of juvenile corrections institutions, incarcerated youth continue to be subjected to abusive, systematic maltreatment.

Can science save abused, neglected kids – and money, too? (Crosscut)
As the costs of foster care and juvenile incarceration rise, many funders ask that agencies and organizations who serve at-risk kids change their strategies. Some in Washington State are turning to science for ways to improve their approach to youth well-being.

Addiction is not a disease: A neuroscientist argues that it’s time to change our minds on the roots of substance abuse (Salon)
Neuroscientist, psychologist, and former addict Marc Lewis is interviewed about his new book, “The Biology of Desire: Why Addiction is Not a Disease.” Lewis is one of the neuroscientists whose findings promote an understanding of addiction as more similar to habit than to disease. Lewis finds that addiction has to do with learning and development, and encourages those who work with addiction to empower people to unlearn addiction, rather than discourage them from the possibility. Lewis writes, "What [addicts] need is sensitive, intelligent social scaffolding to hold the pieces of their imagined future in place — while they reach toward it.”

Getting High in Senior Year: NYU Researchers Examine Whether Reasons for Smoking Pot are Associated with Use of other Illicit Drugs  (New York University)
A new study examines how marijuana use relates to the use of other drugs, individually. Past research has generally focused on the link between marijuana use and "illicit drug" use;  grouping all drugs together, rather than specifically exploring which marijuana users are likely to use other illicit drugs.

Young People in Recovery Need Anonymity More Than Ever, Experts Say (Juvenile Justice Information Exchange)
In depth discussion on why anonymity is important for youth in recovery, and how this relates to opinions that talking about addiction openly can help destigmatize it.

Rehabilitating teens may mean sealing their juvenile record (The Seattle Times)
Bobbe J. Bridge, president of Center for Children and Youth Justice, and a former Washington Supreme Court justice writes with Vanessa Torres Hernandez of Washington's Second Chances Project about the history of Washington State's rehabilitative approach to juvenile justice,  and how sealing the records of minors furthers rehabilitation, and supports local communities.

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Updated: September 23 2020