Juvenile Reentry - New Resources + Webinar

juvenile-reentry_breakdancing-teenHow do you help youth be successful who are returning from long-term placements, including lockup? Here's a number of resources -- in multiple media -- that you might find useful for improving how your community handles juvenile reentry.
1. Making the Most of Second Chances - Conference Materials
You may have been unable to attend "Making the Most of Second Chances," a national conference on reentry sponsored by the Council of State Governments' Justice Center and the Bureau of Justice Assistance (I found out about it via the always-helpful National Reentry Resource Center) held in Washington, D.C., in February, but here's the good news: much of it was caught on video.
By reviewing a list of the conference presentations, I found a couple that were focused on juveniles (you'll find video and PowerPoints):

2.  Webinar: Incorporating Risk, Need, And Responsivity In Screening And Assessment
From the National Reentry Resource Center: "The Bureau of Justice Assistance's National Training and Technical Assistance Center is hosting a webinar on how the three principles of risk reduction, need, and responsivity can be used to improve outcomes for individuals returning from prison and jail. Participants will learn how effective use of these principles can help a reentry program decide whom their intervention should target and how to tailor services and supports on the specific risks and needs of an individual. This webinar will be presented by Le'Ann Duran, project director of the National Reentry Resource Center."
Date: Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Time: 2:00—3:00 p.m. EST
Register: Click here.
(Of course, risk, need, and responsivity are critical to guiding effective work with juvenile justice populations in general. I recommend checking out this presentation on the risk/need principle by legendary criminal justice researcher Edward J. Latessa of the University of Cincinnati.)
Photo: katiew.

Updated: February 08 2018