Blog: ipad

Announcing the winner of our iPad2 contest!

Congratulations to Vietta S. from Norfolk, NE! Here's a note from our National Executive Director Susan Richardson:
Thanks to all who visited the Reclaiming Futures booth in the exhibition hall at the OJJDP 2011 Conference for Children's Justice & Safety. We hope you will enjoy receiving our weekly e-newsletter which provides highlights from the Reclaiming Futures blog, the premier online source for juvenile justice and drug and alcohol treatment for teens. Know, too, you may unsubscribe at any time.
We had 328 people enter our contest for a 16GB WiFi iPad2. The winner was number 284, Vietta S. from Norfolk, NE. Congratulations, Vietta!

To learn more about Reclaiming Futures, visit our website at
Thanks again to all of you for stopping by.