I Got Arrested! A Guide to the Juvenile Justice System

juvenile-court_cartoon-panels-from-I-got-arrestedWant to help teens understand the juvenile justice system? Draw them a picture -- or rather, lots of them. 
Case in point: I Got Arrested! Now What? It's a comic book/fold-out poster that describes New York's juvenile justice system by following the case of one youth named Chris. (Hat tip to @servicejunkie.)
Developed by the Center for Urban Pedagogy in collaboration with the Center for Court Innovation, the Youth Justice Board, and graphic novelist Danica Novgorodoff, it's visually interesting and thorough. (It also has a happy ending.) 
You can download a PDF or purchase print copies for $6.00 through PayPal. I recommend reviewing it. You might be able to use it for your own juvenile court. You might have to create your own if you're not in New York, but it's a great model. 

Updated: February 08 2018