Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment Careers: "Imagine Who You Could Save" Video Series

adolescent-substance-abuse-addiction-treatment-careers-video-from-NATTCThe Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC) Network has an amazing number of resources available to help treatment professionals and agencies.
For example, I just found a very interesting set of videos designed to recruit people to work in the field of addictions treatment on the ATTC Network's Facebook page. (For some reason, I had better luck viewing the videos when I used Internet Explorer as my browser, rather than Firefox.)

The campaign, titled "Imagine Who You Could Save", features the stories of individuals with different roles -- e.g., counselor, clinical psychologist, administrator -- talking about why it's their passion, and why they plan to stay in the field.
While not specifically aimed at recruiting people to work with in adolescent substance abuse, the videos are nonetheless useful in helping promote career opportunities and break down stereotypes about the field. Check them out -- let us know what you think.

Updated: February 08 2018