Adolescent Substance Abuse Data and ADAM II

adolescent-substance-abuse-data-ADAM-II-report-2008I'm a huge fan of the Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring (ADAM) program, now run by the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP). The program tracks, as you might imagine from its name, drug use among arrestees. Because data is taken from multiple cities around the U.S. -- and variations from city to city can be quite large -- the data's used to track and predict drug use trends over time.
The program was axed in 2003 because of budget constraints, so I was pleased to learn today that ADAM was reinstated in 2007, this time as ADAM II.

Some changes have been made, though. For instance, while ADAM collected data from 39 cities as of 2003, the sample set has been reduced to 10 cities. And teen drug use -- as well as drug use by female arrestees -- is no longer covered by the report. I'm sure there were good reasons for this (and juvenile and female data was collected only on a "convenience" basis since 2000 anyhow), but I hope this valuable information will be included again one day because I know how useful that kind of data can be. I used it myself, in fact, when I wrote the grant application for Reclaiming Futures for Multnomah County, Oregon back in 2001. 
For more information about the modifications made to the ADAM program when it was restarted two years ago, see pp. 3-4 of the ADAM report from 2007. If you'd like to see how its reports used to look, check out the ADAM report from 1999, which includes data on drug use among teen arrestees and female arrestees.

Updated: February 08 2018