3 Reasons to Take Our Survey

Help us continue to improve our work by filling out our new positioning survey!We need your help

As Reclaiming Futures heads into its 15th year of service, we’re seeking your help to identify new opportunities to grow this initiative and better serve vulnerable, young populations. We hope you’ll contribute your input in our new survey to help us understand where Reclaiming Futures is doing well, and where we can get better.

Click here to start the survey.

The 16-question survey should take approximately 10 minutes to complete. At the end of the survey, you'll have the opportunity to be entered to win a $50 Amazon, Visa or Starbucks gift card (winner's choice).

And if that’s not enough motivation, here are three additional reasons to share your views with us:

  1. Show support. We’re always glad to hear about what’s working and how Reclaiming Futures has helped advance juvenile justice reform. Knowing what programs and services our partners value, and where we’re most needed, will help us to be even more effective in the future.
  2. Communicate challenges. We know there are things we can do better. If you’ve experienced challenges in working with us, we want to know so we can fix it. Taking the time to share your concerns in this survey will help us to understand problem areas and refine our approach.
  3. Shape our strategy. We’re looking ahead. The results of this survey will help inform our strategic direction for years to come. We want to hear from our community of juvenile justice and behavioral health experts, partners, allies and advocates on how we can work together to improve the lives of young people in this country.

We value your input. Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey before it closes on July 28.

Updated: February 08 2018